MDEA 4th Anniversary Dinner and 2rd Term Council Swearing In ceremony 2018


本会四周年纪念暨第二届(2018-2020年度)理事就职典礼,假柔佛新山世纪花园Holiday Villa Johor Bahru City Centre 酒店9楼宴会厅隆重举办。本会全体顾问团成员、会员伉俪、众社团代表皆有出席。场面豪华热闹。本次庆典由林奕钦担任筹委会主席,全体理事携手筹备。



MDEA 4th Anniversary Dinner and 2rd Term Council Swearing In ceremony were held at Holiday Villa Johor Bahru City Centre. Organizing Committee was led by Lim Ik Kim. Guest of honor are YB Liew Chin Tong and Datuk Teo Ah Kiang & Datuk Wira Low Ho Peng as witness of swearing-in ceremony.

Twenty thousand ringgit were donated to Southern University Collage & Foon Yew High School as education fund.