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Dato’ Sri Chiang Fong Seng, Daniel

Dato’ Sri Chiang Fong Seng, Daniel SSAP.

Manufacturing, Marketing and retailing leatherwear and fashionable products.



Malaysia Dato' Entrepreneurs' Association

Since 2015

Dato’ Sri Daniel Chiang graduated with a Bachelor of Commerce from The University of Melbourne, Australia.

He was appointed to the Board of Bonia Corporation Berhad in year 2014 and holds the position as the Group Executive Director.

A forward-looking man who spearheaded Bonia Corporation Berhad’s acquisition of Braun Buffel Southeast Asia in 2012 and, subsequently, shares from the brand’s principal company in Germany, he helms the business and brand direction of 3 major brands under the Bonia Group: Braun Buffel, BONIA and Renoma Paris.  Today, under his leadership, the 3 brands boast over 150 points of sales globally.

A visionary leader who has served the Bonia Group for over 14 years, he was instrumental in transitioning BONIA from a product-driven brand to a lifestyle-orientated one, increasing the relatability of the brand and range of products it can offer, keeping them relevant through evolving lifestyle and design trends.

He was appointed as a Committee Member of Federation of Malaysian Fashion Textiles and Apparel (FMFTA) since its launch in October 2019, and holds the position as Treasurer.